3 thoughts on “Shirley Trevena Lockdown Paintings”

  1. Deborah Bird

    So inspiring your work Shirley. I’m just try to push the boundaries of watercolour painting myself, so I have ordered your book, with the hope that it will add wind to my sails. I would love to know if you ever run workshops I’d love to have a chat

    1. Shirley Trevena

      I’m afraid that I don’t give workshops or classes anymore. I found that teaching didn’t leave me enough time, or energy, for my painting, so I gave up teaching a few years ago. Sorry.

  2. I just discovered your work. My first love in painting was aquarel but it has been a long time that I worked with this medium. I work mostly with aqryl now a days. With your work you inspired me to work with aquarel again!
    I admire your way of introducing several items in your picture that are not obvious and a great sense for composition. Just live your work!!

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